Kaleigh and Eric bravely set out to capture the newest chapter in their lives: parenthood, with their two month old son, Jack. They had imagined a peaceful and flawless photoshoot, and had done everything they could to ensure this. They fed and changed their baby prior to the shoot starting, and up until this day, they could rely on baby Jack being mostly calm and content. Sounds like an idillic family photoshoot. Can you guess what happened next? You guessed it! Jack was not thrilled about the change in this environment and schedule, and definitely did not sign up for a photoshoot that day. Kaleigh and Eric spent every moment of this one hour shoot attempting to soothe their baby, working up a sweat and pulling every trick out of their hats. I really felt for them. Being new parents is hard as it is, but when you cannot soothe your baby when they are in distress, it is next level stressful. I would not have blamed them in the slightest if they had said to me, “Meaghan, this isn’t working, maybe we should call it”. But they didn’t. They went with the flow, and embraced the reality for what it was. I reassured them that even though their baby was not happy, we would still get beautiful images. So together we worked with what we were given and where baby Jack was at, along with the stunning landscape, and we created magic. Absolute magic! At the end of the session, exhausted, I could tell Kaleigh and Eric were not optimistic about the final images, but I knew the beauty of what we had captured. The images below are absolutely stunning. They may be a bit deceiving because you can’t see how unhappy Jack really is, but what you can see are two parents supporting each other and their baby, and figuring it out together. You can see the absolute admiration and devotion to their baby, and the love and respect they have for each other.

So this is a reminder to you: that your life, your baby, your relationship, the timing, the season, never has to feel perfect in order to book a photoshoot. However you are, in this very moment, is worthy of documenting. You , your family, and your children will be glad you did. And, you can count on me to document this moment in your life with beauty and authenticity. I got you!


A Styled Elopement in Muskoka Ontario


Muskoka Adventure Elopement